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Add new blog post

  1. Create new file at /content/blog/ and populate with the following metadata:
title = "title of your blog post"
date = "yyyy-mm-dd"
description = "description of your blog post, will be displayed in blog listing"

tags = ['tags', 'docs', 'rant']

# **Only use author nicks in blog post Markdown files, it is used to lookup author details.** 
author = 'imbatman' # author nickname
  1. Add author details in config.toml in authors under extra section:

     # Put all your custom variables here
     authors = [
     	{ "nick"="imbatman", name="Batman", "website"="" },
     	{ "nick"="superman", name="Superman", "website" ="" }

This information is used to render author information in blog posts. Only use author nicks in blog post Markdown files, it is used to lookup author details.

  1. Add content to your blog post file, save and commit! 🎉