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Development Setup

Development Dependencies

  1. Python 3.10.4
  2. Pip
  3. Virtualenv
  4. GNU make
  5. PostgreSQL
  6. SMTP server(instructions available for Docker setup)
  7. (Optionally) Docker: used to spin up PostgreSQL instance


  1. Clone the project
git clone https://forgejo.gna.org/Hostea/dashboard.git && cd dashboard
  1. Create virtualenv and activate environment
virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
  1. Setup local configuration:

i) Initialize configuration file by copying .env-sample

cp .env-sample .env

ii) Modify the contents of .env:

export DATABSE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres
export db=hostea-dashboard

iii) Load environment

source .env
  1. Setup PostgreSQL

We are using Docker but you are welcome to bring your own PostgreSQL instance

 docker create --name $db \
	 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password  \
	 -p 5432:5432 \
	 postgres && \
 docker start $db
  1. Setup SMTP server

We are using the excellent development SMTP server maildev.

docker create --name hostea-smtp \
	-p 1080:1080 \
	-p 10025:1025  \
	maildev/maildev \
	--incoming-user \
	admin \
	--incoming-pass password && \
docker start hostea-smtp

SMTP is available at port 10025 and the email web interface at port 1080

  1. Install Dependencies
make env
  1. Apply database migrations
make migrate
  1. Create superuesr
python manage.py createsuperuser

And provide information requested

  1. Launch development server