Gitea's Paradise

Imagine a world...

...where the services that you use for are not only reliable but also radically transparent.
...where the software that you rely on is 100% Free.
...where Free Software developers are treated just as fairly as they treat their users.
...where freedom doens't come at the cost of comfort and reliability.
...where Free Software is not only comparable to properiatary software in features but leads the charge in the ecosystem.

Meet Hostea

where software development workflows are designed to surpass industry standards

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Radically Transparent

Hostea is radically transparent, we hold discussions in the open and publish all expenses down to the last penny

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100% Free Software

All Hostea components are Free, you are welcome to download and even sell Hostea!

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Todards Forge Federation 🚀

Hostea developers are also leading the charge in implementing ecosystem-wide federation, we really care about software development :)

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Observable and Reliabile

All Hostea software come with monitoring and backups configured for high, observable reliability

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Fully Self-Hostable

Like to get your hands dirty? We got you covered! Hostea comes with infrastructure as code and documentation to make self-hostable a first class experience

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Horizontal Community

Hostea development is lead by a horizontal community minded individuals and organisations with a common goal to advance Free Software.