# Add new Hostea Doctor to Gitea Clinic section: 1. Add the following template to [`clinic-doctors.toml`](../data/clinic-doctors.toml) and fill in the Doctor details: ```toml ## ------------- batman --------- [[ doctors ]] nick = "batman" name ="Bruce Wayne" website = "https://bat.example.com" ## ------------- start batman --------- ``` 2. Optionally, add Doctor's photo: i. Add photo to [`../static/people`](../static/people) ii. Add photo filename to Doctor's section created in step 1: ```toml ## ------------- batman --------- [[ doctors ]] nick = "batman" name ="Bruce Wayne" # <-----ADD BELOW LINE TO ADD PHOTO ----> photo = "static/people/batman.jpg" # <---------> website = "https://bat.example.com" ## ------------- start batman --------- ``` ## Style Guide Please start and end doctor details with the following delimiters: ```toml ## ------------- start doctor-nick-name --------- ## ------------- start doctor-nick-name --------- ```