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# Copyright © 2022 Aravinth Manivannan <realaravinth@batsense.net>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
from io import StringIO
from django.test import TestCase, Client, override_settings
from django.core.management import call_command
from dash.models import Instance, InstanceConfiguration
from accounts.tests import register_util, login_util
from dash.tests import create_configurations, create_instance_util, infra_custom_config
from infrastructure.management.commands.vm import translate_sizes
from billing.utils import payment_fullfilled
from .utils import Infra, Worker, create_vm_if_not_exists, delete_vm
from .models import InstanceCreated, Job, JobType
class InfraUtilTest(TestCase):
Tests billing system
def setUp(self):
self.username = "infrautil_user"
register_util(t=self, username=self.username)
# @override_settings(HOSTEA=infra_custom_config(test_name="test_path_util"))
# def test_path_utils(self):
# infra = Infra()
# subdomain = "foo"
# base = infra.repo_path
# self.assertEqual(
# base.joinpath(f"inventory/host_vars/{subdomain}-host/"),
# infra._host_vars_dir(subdomain=subdomain),
# )
# self.assertEqual(
# base.joinpath(f"inventory/host_vars/{subdomain}-host/gitea.yml"),
# infra._gitea_path(subdomain=subdomain),
# )
# self.assertEqual(
# base.joinpath(f"inventory/host_vars/{subdomain}-host/provision.yml"),
# infra._provision_path(subdomain=subdomain),
# )
# self.assertEqual(
# base.joinpath(f"inventory/{subdomain}-backup.yml"),
# infra._backup_path(subdomain=subdomain),
# )
# self.assertEqual(
# base.joinpath(f"hosts-scripts/{subdomain}-host.sh"),
# infra._hostscript_path(subdomain=subdomain),
# )
# @override_settings(HOSTEA=infra_custom_config(test_name="test_add_vm"))
# def test_add_vm(self):
# c = Client()
# login_util(self, c, "accounts.home")
# subdomain = "add_vm"
# create_instance_util(
# t=self, c=c, instance_name=subdomain, config=self.instance_config[0]
# )
# instance = Instance.objects.get(name=subdomain)
# infra = Infra()
# before_add = infra._sha()
# (password, after_add) = infra.add_vm(instance=instance)
# self.assertNotEqual(before_add, after_add)
# before_rm = after_add
# after_rm = infra.remove_vm(instance=instance)
# self.assertNotEqual(before_rm, after_rm)
# @override_settings(HOSTEA=infra_custom_config(test_name="test_cmd"))
# def test_cmd(self):
# subdomain = "cmd_vm"
# infra = Infra()
# c = Client()
# login_util(self, c, "accounts.home")
# self.assertEqual(Instance.objects.filter(name=subdomain).exists(), False)
# # username exists
# call_command(
# "vm", "create", subdomain, f"--owner={self.username}", "--flavor=medium"
# )
# instance = Instance.objects.get(name=subdomain)
# self.assertEqual(infra.get_flavor(instance=instance), "openstack_flavor_medium")
# self.assertEqual(instance.owned_by, self.user)
# self.assertEqual(
# instance.configuration_id, InstanceConfiguration.objects.get(name="s1-4")
# )
# instance_created = InstanceCreated.objects.get(instance=instance)
# self.assertEqual(instance_created.instance, instance)
# self.assertEqual(instance_created.created, True)
# # run create vm command again with same configuration to crudely check idempotency
# call_command(
# "vm", "create", subdomain, f"--owner={self.username}", "--flavor=medium"
# )
# # run create vm command again with different configuration but same name
# # to crudely check idempotency
# call_command(
# "vm", "create", subdomain, f"--owner={self.username}", "--flavor=large"
# )
# instance.refresh_from_db()
# # verify new size is updated in DB
# self.assertEqual(
# str.strip(instance.configuration_id.name)
# == str.strip(translate_sizes("large")),
# True,
# )
# # verify new size is updated in repository
# self.assertEqual(
# str.strip(infra.translate_size(instance=instance))
# == str.strip(infra.get_flavor(instance=instance)),
# True,
# )
# call_command("vm", "delete", subdomain)
# self.assertEqual(Instance.objects.filter(name=subdomain).exists(), False)
# host_vars_dir = infra._host_vars_dir(subdomain)
# self.assertEqual(host_vars_dir.exists(), False)
# # run delete VM command to crudely check idempotency
# call_command("vm", "delete", subdomain)
# def test_worker(self):
# subdomain = "gitea" # yes, gitea.hostea.org exists. will use it till I
# # figure out how to use requests_mock within django
# c = Client()
# login_util(self, c, "accounts.home")
# create_instance_util(
# t=self, c=c, instance_name=subdomain, config=self.instance_config[0]
# )
# instance = Instance.objects.get(name=subdomain)
# job = Job.objects.create(instance=instance, job_type=JobType.PING)
# gitea_uri = Infra.get_gitea_uri(instance=instance)
# print(f"mocking {gitea_uri}")
# w = Worker(job=job)
# w.start()
# time.sleep(15)
# self.assertEqual(w.is_alive(), False)
# w.join()
# self.assertEqual(
# Job.objects.filter(instance=instance, job_type=JobType.PING).exists(), True
# )
def test_vm_delete_payments(self):
Test if the dashboard generates invoices for a VM crated with a name
matching a VM name that was deleted that existed.
ref: https://gitea.hostea.org/Hostea/dashboard/issues/38#issuecomment-1162
c = Client()
login_util(self, c, "accounts.home")
instance_name = "test_vm_delete_payments"
infra = Infra()
t=self, c=c, instance_name=instance_name, config=self.instance_config[0]
instance = Instance.objects.get(name=instance_name)
self.assertEqual(payment_fullfilled(instance=instance), True)
# delete VM
self.assertEqual(Instance.objects.filter(name=instance_name).exists(), False)
# re-create VM with management command as it bypasses payments. We
# usually use create_instance_util but it will pay for the instance too
"vm", "create", instance_name, f"--owner={self.username}", "--flavor=medium"
# verify VM is created
self.assertEqual(Instance.objects.filter(name=instance_name).exists(), True)
# verify payment is unfulfilled
instance = Instance.objects.get(name=instance_name)
self.assertEqual(payment_fullfilled(instance=instance), False)
# generate invoice
stdout = StringIO()
stderr = StringIO()
out = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(instance_name in out, True)
self.assertEqual(f"Payment not fulfilled for instance: {instance}" in out, True)