feat: Dashboard-Gitea SSO integration test script

    1. Register new user on dashboard

    2. Confirm user email, link is received from email. maildev/maildev
       is an SMTP server specifically built for testing emails locally.
       It comes with a REST API[0], which is used to access emails

    3. Sign in to Dashboard

    4. Visit /support/new/ on dashboard to raise new support request

    5. Redirection to Hostea Gitea support repository is done via
       JavaScript, so we simply test to see if the support repository's
       new issue page is present in the Dashboard response

    6. Go to support repository's new issue page. Gitea will redirect to
       sign in page

    7. Parse sign in page, find OIDC SSO link in sign in page

    8. Visit OIDC SSO link in sign in page, to be redirected to
       authorization page

    9. If OIDC integration on Dashboard is setup via `create_oidc`
       management command, then auto-authorization will be enabled for
       the integration. So user will be redirected to Gitea

    10. For new OIDC logins, Gitea will present a form to choose
	preferred username and enter email address. So fill that form
	and submit it.

	Please note the form submits to a different URL than the one at
	which the form is available. See `Gitea.__link_acount` and
	`Gitea.__link_acount_signup` and its usage in `Gitea._sso_login`

    11. Verify user creation by GET /{username}, should respond HTTP 200

    12. Visit new issue on support repository, should respond HTTP 200

    [0]: https://github.com/maildev/maildev/blob/master/docs/rest.md
Aravinth Manivannan 2022-06-20 23:16:59 +05:30
parent 4542389df8
commit 4b20f9a439
Signed by: realaravinth
GPG Key ID: AD9F0F08E855ED88
2 changed files with 277 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ lint: ## Run linter
@./venv/bin/black ./support/
@./venv/bin/black ./billing/
@./venv/bin/black ./infrastructure/
@./venv/bin/black ./integration/
migrate: ## Run migrations
$(call run_migrations)

integration/tests.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from requests import Session
c = Session()
class ParseCSRF(HTMLParser):
token: str = None
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def dashboard_parser(cls) -> "ParseCSRF":
return cls(name="csrfmiddlewaretoken")
def gitea_parser(cls) -> "ParseCSRF":
return cls(name="_csrf")
def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: (str, str)):
if self.token:
if tag != "input":
token = None
for (index, (k, v)) in enumerate(attrs):
if k == "value":
token = v
if all([k == "name", v == self.name]):
if token:
self.token = token
for (inner_index, (nk, nv)) in enumerate(attrs, start=index):
if nk == "value":
self.token = nv
class ParseSSOLogin(HTMLParser):
url: str = None
def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: (str, str)):
if self.url:
if tag != "a":
token = None
for (index, (k, v)) in enumerate(attrs):
if k == "href":
if "/user/oauth2/" in v:
self.url = v
class Hostea:
def __init__(self, username: str, email: str, password: str, url: str):
self.username = username
self.email = email
self.password = password
self.url = urlparse(url)
self.csrf_key = "csrfmiddlewaretoken"
def get_csrf(self, url: str) -> str:
resp = c.get(url)
assert resp.status_code == 200
parser = ParseCSRF(name=self.csrf_key)
csrf = parser.token
return csrf
def __get_verification_link(self):
resp = c.get("http://localhost:1080/email/")
emails = resp.json()
for email in emails:
if email["to"][0]["address"] == self.email:
logging.info("[Dashboard] Found verification link")
resp = c.delete(f"http://localhost:1080/email/{email['id']}")
return str.strip(email["text"].split("\n")[1])
logging.critical("[Dashboard] Verification link not found")
def register(self):
url = urlunparse((self.url.scheme, self.url.netloc, "/register/", "", "", ""))
csrf = self.get_csrf(url)
payload = {
"username": self.username,
"password": self.password,
"email": self.email,
"confirm_password": self.password,
self.csrf_key: csrf,
logging.info("Registering user")
resp = c.post(url, payload, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == 302
assert "pending" in resp.headers["Location"]
email_verification_link = self.__get_verification_link()
csrf = self.get_csrf(email_verification_link)
payload = {
self.csrf_key: csrf,
resp = c.post(email_verification_link, payload, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == 302
assert resp.headers["Location"] == "/login/"
logging.info("[Dashboard] Email verified user")
def login(self):
url = urlunparse((self.url.scheme, self.url.netloc, "/login/", "", "", ""))
csrf = self.get_csrf(url)
payload = {
"login": self.username,
"password": self.password,
self.csrf_key: csrf,
logging.info("Logging In user")
resp = c.post(url, payload, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == 302
assert resp.headers["Location"] == "/"
url = urlunparse(
(self.url.scheme, self.url.netloc, "/support/new/", "", "", "")
resp = c.get(url)
assert resp.status_code == 200
def new_ticket(self, support_repository_new_issue: str):
url = urlunparse(
(self.url.scheme, self.url.netloc, "/support/new/", "", "", "")
resp = c.get(url)
assert support_repository_new_issue in resp.text
class Gitea:
def __init__(
username: str,
email: str,
gitea_host: str,
hostea_org: str,
support_repo: str,
self.username = username
self.gitea_host = gitea_host
self.hostea_org = hostea_org
self.support_repo = support_repo
self.email = email
self.__csrf_key = "_csrf"
url = urlparse(self.gitea_host)
repo = f"{self.hostea_org}/{self.support_repo}"
issues = f"{repo}/issues"
new_issues = f"{issues}/new"
self.__partial_call_back_url = urlunparse(
(url.scheme, url.netloc, "/user/oauth2/", "", "", "")
self.__login = urlunparse((url.scheme, url.netloc, "/user/login/", "", "", ""))
self.__link_acount = urlunparse(
(url.scheme, url.netloc, "/user/link_account/", "", "", "")
self.__link_acount_signup = urlunparse(
(url.scheme, url.netloc, "/user/link_account_signup/", "", "", "")
self.__me = urlunparse(
(url.scheme, url.netloc, f"/{self.username}", "", "", "")
self.issues_uri = urlunparse((url.scheme, url.netloc, issues, "", "", ""))
self.new_issues_uri = urlunparse(
(url.scheme, url.netloc, new_issues, "", "", "")
def get_csrf(self, url: str) -> str:
resp = c.get(url)
parser = ParseCSRF.gitea_parser()
return parser.token
def _sso_login(self):
resp = c.get(self.__login)
parser = ParseSSOLogin()
url = urlparse(self.gitea_host)
## SSO URL in Gitea login page
sso = urlunparse((url.scheme, url.netloc, parser.url, "", "", ""))
# redirects are enabled to for a cleaner implementation. Commented out
# code below does the same in a step-by-step manner
resp = c.get(sso)
# resp = c.get(sso, allow_redirects=False)
# ## Visiting SSO URL redirects the user with HTTP 307 to the SSO for authorization
# assert resp.status_code == 307
# resp = c.get(resp.headers["Location"], allow_redirects=False)
# assert self.__partial_call_back_url in resp.headers["Location"]
# resp = c.get(resp.headers["Location"], allow_redirects=False)
# assert resp.status_code == 303
# assert resp.headers["Location"] in self.__link_acount
# to register account, the user has to visit form at self.__link_acount
csrf = self.get_csrf(self.__link_acount)
# which makes a POST request to self.__link_acount_signup
# weird, but have to go to above URL to collect CSRF toekn
payload = {
"user_name": self.username,
"email": self.email,
self.__csrf_key: csrf,
resp = c.post(self.__link_acount_signup, payload, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == 303
assert resp.headers["Location"] == "/Hostea/support/issues/new"
resp = c.get(self.__me)
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert self.username in resp.text
def new_issue(self):
resp = c.get(self.new_issues_uri, allow_redirects=False)
resp.status_code = 303
assert "/user/login" in resp.headers["Location"]
resp = c.get(self.new_issues_uri, allow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == 200
def main():
dash = Hostea(
gitea = Gitea(
logging.info("All tests passed")
if __name__ == "__main__":