import csv import math from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests @dataclass class TimeSpent: hours: int mins: int nick: str name: str comment_id: str issue: str task: str repo: str issue: str date: str url: str class Gitea: def __init__(self, host: str, org: str): = urlparse(host) = org assert self.__is_gitea() print(f"Gitea instance online at {host}") assert self.__org_exists() print(f"Organisation {} exists on {host}") self.repos = self.get_repositories() print(f"Found {len(self.repos)} public repositories in {}") self.issues = self.get_issues() self.times = self.get_time_spent() self.write_csv() self.total_time() def total_time(self): logs = {} for repo in self.times: for issue in self.times[repo]: if issue: for time in issue: if time.nick in logs: if "hours" in logs[time.nick]: logs[time.nick]["hours"] += int(time.hours) else: logs[time.nick]["hours"] = int(time.hours) if "mins" in logs[time.nick]: logs[time.nick]["mins"] += int(time.mins) else: logs[time.nick]["mins"] = int(time.mins) else: logs[time.nick] = { "hours": int(time.hours), "mins": int(time.mins), } for nick in logs: time = logs[nick] hours = time["hours"] + math.floor(time["mins"] / 60) mins = time["mins"] % 60 print(f"{nick}: {hours}h {mins}min") def write_csv(self): w = None print("writing to times.csv") with open("times.csv", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as f: for repo in self.times: for issue in self.times[repo]: if issue: for time in issue: time = asdict(time) if not w: w = csv.DictWriter(f, time.keys()) w.writeheader() w.writerow(time) def __is_gitea(self): resp = requests.get(self.__unparsed("/")) return all([resp.status_code == 200, b"Gitea" in resp.content]) def __org_exists(self): resp = requests.get(self.__unparsed( return all([resp.status_code == 200, b"Gitea" in resp.content]) def get_issues(self): issues = {} num = 0 for repo in self.repos: issues[repo["name"]] = [] limit = 10 page = 1 repo_issues = [] while True: uri = self.__unparsed_api( f"repos/{}/{repo['name']}/issues", query=f"state=all&page={page}&limit={limit}", ) resp = requests.get(uri) assert resp.status_code == 200 data = resp.json() if data: repo_issues.extend(data) page += 1 else: break undisputed_issues = [] for issue in repo_issues: is_disputed = False for label in issue["labels"]: if label["name"] == "Dispute": is_disputed = True break if not is_disputed: undisputed_issues.append(issue) issues[repo["name"]] = undisputed_issues num += len(repo_issues) print(f"Found {num} tickets in public repositories in {}") return issues def get_repositories(self): limit = 10 page = 1 repos = [] while True: uri = self.__unparsed_api( f"orgs/{}/repos", query=f"page={page}&limit={limit}" ) resp = requests.get(uri) assert resp.status_code == 200 data = resp.json() if data: repos.extend(data) page += 1 else: break return repos def __unparsed(self, path: str, query: str = "") -> str: return urlunparse((,, path, "", query, "")) def __unparsed_api(self, path: str, query: str = "") -> str: path = f"/api/v1/{path}" return self.__unparsed(path=path, query=query) def get_time_spent(self): total_times = {} num = 0 for repo in self.issues: repo_times = [] issues = self.issues[repo] for issue in issues: times = [] url = issue["html_url"] task = issue["title"] resp = requests.get(url) contents = resp.text soup = BeautifulSoup(contents, "html.parser") divs = soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class": "timeline-item event"}) for div in divs: for a in div.find_all("a", attrs={"class": "author"}): if "added spent time" in a.parent.text: for s in a.parent.find_all( "span", attrs={"class": "time-since"} ): nick = a.text name = div.find_all( "img", attrs={"class": "ui avatar image"} )[0]["title"] time = ( div.find_all("div", attrs={"class": "detail"})[0] .find_all("span")[0] .text ) if "day" in time: continue if "h" in time: if "hours" in time: hours = int(time.split("hours")[0]) elif "hour" in time: hours = int(time.split("hour")[0]) else: hours = int(time.split("h")[0]) else: hours = 0 if "min" in time: splits = time.split("min")[0] if "hours" in time: mins = int(splits.split("hours")[1]) elif "hour" in time: mins = int(splits.split("hour")[1]) elif "h" in time: mins = int(splits.split("h")[1]) else: mins = int(splits) else: mins = 0 date = s["title"] comment_id = div["id"] times.append( TimeSpent( comment_id=comment_id, date=date, nick=nick, name=name, mins=mins, hours=hours, repo=repo, issue=url, task=task, url=f"{url}#{comment_id}", ) ) num += len(times) repo_times.append(times) total_times[repo] = repo_times print(f"Found {num} log events in {}") return total_times if __name__ == "__main__": g = Gitea(host="", org="gna")