{% import "macros.html" as macros %} {% import "home/components/home-card.html" as card_macro %} {% import "home/components/home-card-new.html" as card_macro2 %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block meta %} {% set description = "Hostea: Dedicated managed Gitea hosting, including CI/CD and static pages with upgrades, backups and 24/7 monitoring" %} {% set title = "Home" %} {{ macros::get_meta_tags(title=title, description=description) }} {% endblock meta %} {% block content %} {% include "home/components/_banner-new.html" %}

Need an indepandent forge? Talk to an expert!

{% include "home/components/_vision.html" %}
{{ card_macro::home_card(title="Radically Transparent", description="Hostea is radically transparent, we hold discussions in the open and publish all expenses down to the last penny") }} {{ card_macro::home_card(title="100% Free Software", description="All Hostea components are Free, you are welcome to download and even sell Hostea!") }} {{ card_macro::home_card(title="Horizontal Community", description="Hostea development is lead by a horizontal community minded individuals and organisations with a common goal to advance Free Software.") }}
{% include "home/components/_services-new.html" %} {% include "home/components/_features.html" %}
{% endblock content %}