[MVP] serve static pages #29

opened 2022-10-05 12:00:17 +00:00 by realaravinth · 1 comment
  • Conductor integration in Librepages/Librepages
  • Enough integration support in librepages/conductor
  • Gitea(webhook) integration
- [ ] Conductor integration in Librepages/Librepages - [ ] Enough integration support in [librepages/conductor](https://git.batsense.net/LibrePages/conductor) - [ ] Gitea(webhook) integration
realaravinth added the
Improve Gna!
labels 2022-10-05 12:00:17 +00:00
realaravinth self-assigned this 2022-10-05 12:00:17 +00:00
Discussing enough integration + conductor proposal https://matrix.to/#/!QdcnJXkpkBVpecQGtk:matrix.batsense.net/$LbtFdmVyRqUkMg4qwuFbHvPj7VKzIkv3eX06hqppAE4?via=matrix.org&via=autonomic.zone&via=matrix.batsense.net
dachary added a new dependency 2022-10-05 12:04:16 +00:00
realaravinth added spent time 2022-10-05 12:06:16 +00:00
1 hour 30 minutes
realaravinth added a new dependency 2022-10-05 12:11:45 +00:00
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